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LG TWINWash™: Take charge of your laundry, and your time


LG TWINWash™: Take charge of your laundry, and your time

Tired of losing your days to mounds of soiled clothes? The LG TWINWash™ with its MiniWash sidekick is here to save you precious time and energy!

Picture this:


It’s a Friday evening. You’ve decided to go for a quick run after a long day at work. It’s a warm evening and by the time you’re home, you and your clothes are soaked in sweat.


The next morning, you’re feeding your one year old who loves throwing her food all over herself and before you know it, you’ve changed her clothes three times before the day is over.


It’s finally Sunday and you’ve got a small pile of clothes in your laundry basket that you need to wash before the new week starts. It’s not big enough to warrant a wash in the full-sized machine and you let out a deep sigh, thinking that you’re going to have to wash these clothes by hand. And all you want to do is relax, sit in the front of the TV with a tall glass of something cold. Well, what if we told you that the LG TWINWash™ gives you the opportunity to do exactly that, saving you time and energy.


We’ve all been there. We always have multiple piles of clothes that need to be washed separately. The whites. The colours. The delicates. The baby clothes. Sometimes we need to run the washing machine five times a week and yet we have mounds of clothes sitting in a corner that need to be hand washed.


So wouldn’t a multi-tasking machine with two separate washers be the perfect addition to your laundry room? That’s just what LG has in store for you – The TWINWash™ with TWINWash™ Mini, which has a second smaller compartment that is perfect for your delicates and little loads. No more back-to-back washing!

But what if you absolutely have to hand wash certain types of clothing? Perhaps, you’ve got a particularly sensitive type of fabric that you can’t afford to put in the washer. How will this particular machine solve that problem? No problem at all! The Rinse + Spin mode allows you to add in your delicate items - with results in just 15 minutes.


If you have a baby, you know that they miraculously mess up multiple outfits in one day which means more separate washes than you envisaged! With the MiniWash, you don’t have to suffer that fate anymore. Just add items in the main wash while the baby clothes go in the MiniWash – all washed simultaneously. Not to mention hygienically. The “baby care” mode in the TWINWash™ Mini runs with water up to 40 degrees, easily taking care of the spill and stains that your kids end up with.


With all of us leading such busy lives, it can be great to have something easy and convenient to break up the monotony. Who wants to spend the late hours of the day washing clothes when they can relax with their family and friends? That’s right, nobody! It’s at times like these that the LG TWINWash™ washing machine comes in so handy. The MiniWash takes all of 49 minutes – right from wash to spin. It’s so quick that you can use it every day, and yet spend less than half the time on this chore compared to other machines.


Taking care of the environment is so important – not just for us, but also our future generations. Everyone is trying to do their bit for the world and you can feel good about using the MiniWash. It consumes less energy than a traditionally sized washer and also has an energy monitoring system that keeps an eye on your washing habits.


So next time you go out for your morning or evening run, don’t worry about coming home and hand washing your small pile of clothes. Simply press the button on your LG MiniWash and enjoy the rest of your day.


In our next article, we will outline how the inverter technology and 6 Motion Direct Drive make it possible for you to have the cleanest clothes possible.


For those in the UK, you can win more than just wash with the LG TWINWash Football Challenge. As part of our partnership with the FA, LG are encouraging kids to get out and play football in the mud for their chance to win Nike football kits for their team, and to lift the FA cup! Learn more and register at

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